How Wisdom Teeth Get Removed Easy Video

One of America's favorite pastimes for a while was watching videos of people saying idiotic things after getting their wisdom teeth taken out. Maybe you want to know whether you're ready to join internet infamy, or maybe you're experiencing some troubling symptoms. Either way, read on for 13 signs your wisdom teeth need to be removed.

Many of the symptoms below are those of impacted wisdom teeth , or those that don't have enough room to emerge normally. Some of these symptoms are also those of entirely different dental issues. If you're experiencing any of the following symptoms, be sure to schedule an appointment with a dental professional. Ignoring dental concerns can be costly for both your health and your wallet.

Women In Pain From Wisdom Teeth With Ice Pack

1. Pain In The Back Of Your Mouth

One of the most common and easily-recognized symptoms resulting from your wisdom teeth is experiencing pain in the back of your mouth. This pain can be sporadic and occasional or persistent and unwavering.

2. Swollen Or Tender Gums

When wisdom teeth begin to grow in, they can cause a flap of gum tissue to form on the top or the side of the gum near the incoming tooth. This flap can easily trap small food particles and bacteria, leading to the area becoming infected. This often causes it to become swollen, leaving you with sensitive, red gums.

3. Bleeding Gums

If you notice that the gums in the back of your mouth bleed when you brush your teeth, it could be due to your wisdom teeth attempting to come in.

Frustrated Man

4. Earaches Or Headaches

Many think that complications with wisdom teeth only cause pain in your mouth; however, discomfort in other areas can also be a sign that you need them removed. Pain in your mouth or jaw often radiates further, causing earaches or headaches.

5. Stiffness Or Pain In Your Jaw

If wisdom teeth emerge improperly, they can change how your teeth bite together. This can be painful and result in stiffness that makes it difficult to open or close your mouth. It's important you address this concern as soon as possible because your mouth being improperly aligned can lead to serious issues.

6. Swelling In Your Jaw

A wisdom tooth attempting to come in may cause your jaw to swell slightly at first but then more significantly over time.

7. Consistent Sinus Issues

When your wisdom teeth grow roots in your upper jaw, pressure may be placed on your sinuses. This can cause sinus pain, headaches, a feeling of pressure, or congestion.

Doctor looking at Wisdom Teeth x-rays

8. Overcrowded Or Crooked Teeth

Oftentimes, wisdom teeth begin to grow even though there's not enough room in the mouth for them. When the mouth is overcrowded, it can push teeth together, causing them to become crooked. Nothing can be done to make them all fit. Rather some, or all, of your wisdom teeth must be removed.

Before your wisdom teeth fully grow in, a dental professional can predict whether they will overcrowd your other teeth by looking at x-rays. This is just one example of why it's important to make an appointment as soon as you notice your wisdom teeth coming in. If it gets to the point where your other teeth have become crooked, you may have to invest in some form of braces.

9. Cysts Near Your Wisdom Teeth

Cysts, or sacs of fluid, may form in your mouth if your wisdom teeth are ignored. These cysts can cause significant damage to your jaw, teeth, and nerves if left untreated.

Inside A Dentist Office

10. Repeated Tooth Infections Or Cavities

Because wisdom teeth coming in can cause dental care at the back of the mouth to be sensitive or painful, people will often not brush or floss as well as they normally would. This can lead to infections, tooth decay, and cavities. Infections can result in additional symptoms such as a sore throat or fever.

11. Bad Breath

Being unable to properly clean the back of your mouth can lead to food particles being trapped. This on its own, as well as the possible infection that may result, could lead to bad breath or a bad taste in your mouth that you just can't shake.

Small Plate Of Food On Blue Background

12. Difficulty Eating

As mentioned previously, your wisdom teeth coming in can cause particles of food to become stuck at the back of your mouth. This can cause pain or discomfort that makes eating much more difficult. Having trouble fully opening your mouth as well as temperature sensitivity can also cause eating to be difficult and may be signs that your wisdom teeth need to be removed.

13. Pain Located On Your Tongue Or Cheek

If you notice that you've been biting your tongue or cheek more than normal, this may be due to your mouth being overcrowded. Additionally, a wisdom tooth growing in at an unusual angle may rub against different parts of your mouth, causing pain.

Wisdom Tooth Pain Because A Tooth Needs To Be Removed

What Are Signs Your Wisdom Teeth Need To Be Removed?

There are many signs that your wisdom teeth need to be removed, but in this article, we covered 13 of them:

  1. Pain in the back of your mouth
  2. Swollen or tender gums
  3. Bleeding gums
  4. Earaches or headaches
  5. Stiffness or pain in your jaw
  6. Swelling in your jaw
  7. Consistent sinus issues
  8. Overcrowded or crooked teeth
  9. Cysts near your wisdom teeth
  10. Repeated tooth infections or cavities
  11. Bad breath
  12. Difficulty eating
  13. Pain located on your tongue or cheek

If you're experiencing any of these, set up an appointment with a nearby wisdom tooth specialist. Your symptoms could indeed be signaling that it's time to get your wisdom teeth removed, and a dental professional will be able to tell you for certain whether this is the case.

Chances are, a visit to a dental professional is overdue if your symptoms are bad enough that you're reading articles like this one. Don't delay removing your wisdom teeth even further, or you could run into some serious problems .

For questions about whether you should set up an appointment to have your wisdom teeth looked at or removed, contact us !


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